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The Big Baking Experiment


In this Kids & Family show, you'll learn why certain

ingredients and methods can lead to big baking failures

Project Overview

My roles on this project: Character Design, & Motion Graphics Design

Show Clip



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Motion Graphics

The motion graphics used within each lesson were to display information about the experiment. Graphics incorporated the black, white, and yellow theme along with bold patterns. 


You can see the show's open above in the "show clip"

text layout

Each lesson has a question, which is displayed as a full screen graphic leading into the experiment.

Kaitlin piece

The batches have labels for the viewer indicating which one is the regular recipe, and which one is an idea by a character.

carl piece
lower third

Lower thirds to show tips and tricks.

Character Development

The four main characters were given distinctions in the script to work from:

• French Fool (a French rolling pin)

• Nerdy Scale (a scale)

• Best Pal (stand mixer)

• Super Confident (a spatula)


After some development, and sourcing,

the objects for characters changed over time to be:


• Nerdy Scale = SPATULA

• Best Pal = STAND MIXER 

• Super Confident = SPOON


The first thing I did when designing out the character faces, was give them each a name. Then, character traits, fictional personality references, and four distinct facial expressions so the voice actor could reference them while performing. 

Character Design- Pierre

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Pierre was named "Victor" originally, but later changed to Pierre to avoid confusion on set with "Mixer"


Defining traits for Pierre:

• French
• A little pretentious

• Has ideas of grandeur

• Old and has lots of stories

• No one wants to hear his stories


Characters to draw inspiration from:

• Zazu (The Lion King)

• Cogsworth (Beauty and the Beast)

Character Design- Albert

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Defining traits for Albert:

• Almost always right
• Direct and informational

• A little snarky


Characters to draw inspiration from:

• Alex (Modern Family)

• Edna Mode (The Incredibles)

Character Design- Rocky

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Defining traits for Rocky:

• Just really happy to be here
• Wide-eyed and curious

• Supportive


Characters to draw inspiration from:

• Meatwad (Aqua Teen Hunger Force)

• Bubbles (Powderpuff Girls)

Character Design- Carl

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Defining traits for Carl:

• Generally wrong
• Forgets the bad ideas are his

• Confident


Characters to draw inspiration from:

• Stimpy (Ren and Stimpy)

• Mr. Peanutbutter (BoJack Horseman)


Produced & Directed by: James Clark

Edited by: Sydney Stevens

Character Animation: Paul Kresge & John Camalick

Talent: Kaitlin Garske

Logo Design: Ashley Meyer

Photography: Dylan Osbourne

Creative Direction: Suzanne Heintz

& many more BTS

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